University of Washington, 9/85–6/87, 6/88–8/88 and 6/91–8/91, Seattle, Washington. Classes include American Literature (Joseph Butwin), Anthropology (David H. Spain), Appreciation of Architecture (Hermann Pundt), Art History (Martha Kingsbury), Astronomy (Bruce Balick), Composition (Pamela Fox), French (Hedwige Meyer), Geography (Douglas Jackson), Geology (Stan Charnicoff), Mathematics (Stacy), Psychology (Mark Pagel), Reading Fiction (Suzanne Matson), Shakespeare (Gerald John “Jack” Brenner), Social Psychology, Sociology, Spanish (Darlene Lake, Dianne Pruit), and The Ancient World/History (Jon Bridgman, The Revolt of the Hereros, University of California Press).
Pomona Program at University College, Oxford (director Charles Wenden, Bursar, All Souls College) Oxford, UK, Fall 1988, individual one-on-one “Milton” tutorial with weekly essays worth two-courses equivalent at Pomona College in Christ Church College, Oxford with Robert Maslen (Elizabethan Fictions, Clarendon Press), and with the Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, Rowan Williams; a British Politics seminar at University College; and a British Architecture three-student-tutorial in the Stanford University Centre at Oxford with the Stanford director and architectural historian Geoffrey Tyack (Oxford: An Architectural Guide, Oxford University Press): Grade point average 4.0 out of a possible 4.0.
Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, Pomona College, 14 May 1989, Concentration: English, Claremont, California. Teachers include Martha Andresen (California Professor of the Year, 1992) (‘Shakespeare’), Stephen A. Erickson (Yale Ph.D. at age 23) Language and Being, Yale University Press; The (Coming) Age of Thresholding, Kluwer Academic Publishers) (‘Western Philosophy Thru Its History’), Michael Kuhlwein (‘Macroeconomics’), James Leigh (‘Advanced 19th Century American Literature Seminar’ on H. James-S. Crane), Cristanne Miller (‘Senior Seminar’) (Cultures of Modernism, University of Michigan Press), Brian Stonehill (Self-Conscious Fiction from Joyce to Pynchon, University of Pennsylvania Press) (‘Modern American Literature’), and J. William Whedbee (The Bible and the Comic Vision, Cambridge University Press) (two courses: Biblical Heritage and New Testament). Senior seminar project: “The Concept of Fate in Beowulf”.
The University of Western Australia (St. Columba College), Perth, Australia, 2/93–11/93. Full-time non-degree humanities student. Marks: French A, English Special Studies 599 A+ (the latter constituted 75% of an M.A. coursework degree). Perth Rotary Club counselor: Harry William Sorensen, Chancellor-Curtin University of Technology.
University of Oxford/École Normale Supérieure exchange, Winter and Spring 1995, Paris, France, D.Phil. research, especially for the Balzac component; seminars attended include “Questions de responsabilité” in which the present scholar studied directly under Jacques Derrida (Glas, Galilée), E.H.E.S.S. three hour bi-weekly seminars from February-July 1995, in which we read side by side, Maurice Blanchot and Martin Heidegger; audited “Les pouvoirs et les limites de la psychanalyse” with Julia Kristeva, l’Université de Paris VII-Denis Diderot.
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Oxford (Linacre College), Oxford, UK, 19 July 1997, thesis topic area: “Money and Power in Henry James”, doctoral student 10/91–12/92, 1/94–6/97. Supervisor: Mike L.H.L. Weaver, Reader in American Literature, Linacre College, Oxford, then ed., History of Photography (Taylor & Francis). D.Phil. examiners: Terence Francis Eagleton, Thomas Warton Professor of English, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford and Maud Ellmann, Reader in Modern Literature, King’s College, University of Cambridge.–Oxford Amnesty International Lecture Series attended 2/92: individual lectures given at St. Aldate’s and at the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford by the following teacher-scholars: Wayne Booth, Hélène Cixous, Jacques Derrida, Frank Kermode, Julia Kristeva, Paul Ricoeur, and Edward Said.–At Oxford as a D.Phil. candidate attended poetry readings/lectures by then Oxford Professor of Poetry, Seamus Heaney, and class sessions/lectures in the English and French faculties by John Bayley (Keats and Hardy), Malcolm Bowie (All Souls College, attended post-graduate year-long seminar on “Theoretical Approaches to Textual Analysis”), John Carey (Milton), Terry Eagleton (Lukács and Marxist Theory), Barbara Everett (Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature), Tim Farrant (Balzac), Alison Finch (Balzac), Emrys Jones (Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature), Jeri Jonson (Feminist Theory), Donald F. McKenzie (Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts), Mike Weaver (Photography), Arthur Miller (Visiting Cameron Mackintosh Chair of Contemporary Theatre), Tony Nuttall (Shakespeare), Jacqueline Rose (visiting lecture series on colonialism and writing), Elaine Showalter (visiting lectures on Freud and women), George Steiner (visiting lecture series on comparative literature), Roger Chartier at All Souls College, Oxford, Sir Frank Kermode (New College Seminar), Jürgen Habermas (St. Catherine’s College event, introduced by Bernard Williams, All Souls College), among others; Jean Baudrillard at the Maison Française d’Oxford and Noam Chomsky at the Oxford Museum of Modern Art, among others; on Supervisor’s Night February 1992 at Linacre College Oxford I hosted the critic, teacher and novelist John Bayley and his companion the novelist Iris Murdoch.