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Stand Alone/Invited Lectures


  1. November 1992: paper given on “Henry James and Foucault” in the Linacre College, University of Oxford seminar series. Oxford, UK; invite mediated by Linacre Principal Sir Bryan Cartledge.
  2. (II–XI) November 1993: talk given on “French Post-Structuralism Today” to an audience of some 200 people at the Rotary Club of Perth, Western Australia (one of ten such talks I gave that year on the topic area at clubs throughout Western Australia and at Washington State) with my Rotary Counselor present, Harry William Sorensen, Chancellor, University of Western Australia.
  3. 2001: Hotel Evropa, Prague, Czechia, gave a 90 min. talk on “An American Scholar in Prague” to a group of continuing-education-adult-learners from the U.S.
  4. 18 March 2003: “The Colors and the (Spinozist) Bodies of Antonioni’s L’Avventura at F.A.M.U., Prague, Czechia; invite mediated by Dean Michal Bregant.
  5. 25 March 2003: “Cinema against Cinema: Welles and Resnais” at F.A.M.U, Prague, Czechia; invite mediated by Dean Michal Bregant.
  6. 8 April 2003: “Excessively Noir Film: Welles’s The Lady from Shangha and Touch of Evil at the Prague Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Dramatic Arts (F.A.M.U.), Prague, Czechia; invite mediated by Dean Michal Bregant.
  7. 20 November 2003: “Deleuze, Orson Welles and the Cinematic Baroque”, University of Szeged, Hungary.
  8. 20 November 2003: Presented a 45-minute Plenary Lecture, “James, Balzac, and the Politics of Money and Power”, at a conference English and American Studies Days, University of Szeged, Hungary/Europe. Venue: The Headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Chapter “Díszterem”. The other international plenary speaker was prof. Jonathan Veitch, The New School of Social Research, New York City, USA.
  9. 10 May 2005: lecture “Cinema Against Cinema, or The Orson Welles Hit Parade”, English Department, as invited prof. at Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France; invite mediated by prof. Annick Duperray and by prof. Joanny Moulin.
  10. 21 May 2005: conference/lecture “Philosophical and Literary Joy Machines: Deleuze’s The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque and Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, English Department, as invited professor at Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France; invite mediated by prof. Annick Duperray and by prof. Joanny Moulin.
  11. 21 May 2005: conference/lecture “Literary Space; or, Folding Blanchot onto Pynchon: Enlightenment Reason, the Global System and the Literary Neo-Baroque”, English Department, as invited prof. at Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France; invite mediated by prof. Annick Duperray and by prof. Joanny Moulin.
  12. 24 May 2005: conference/lecture “Deleuzian Film Aesthetics” for a Ph.D. seminar, Film Department., as visiting prof. at Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France; invite mediated by prof. Jean-Luc Lioult.
  13. 9 November 2005: public lecture “Cruelty, Money and Power: Pairing Balzac’s Eugénie Grandet (1833-34) with James’s Washington Square (1881)” given at the American Studies Division, English Department, University College, Cork, Ireland; invite mediated by prof. Damian Bracken.
  14. 10 November 2005: public lecture “Henry James’s The American Scene (1907): Money, Power and ‘Race’” delivered at the Historical Society, University College, Cork, Ireland; invite mediated by the medieval historian prof. Damian Bracken.
  15. 22 November 2005: On the invitation of Dean and prof. Jaroslav Váček gave a talk as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar alumnus, “Spinoza, Kafka, Deleuze and Guattari for a New Social and a New Economic”, Rotary Club of Prague-Old Town, Hotel Paris, Prague.
  16. 17 January 2006: public lecture “Multisensorial Evocations and Provocations of Lost Paradise: Orson Welles’s The Magnificent Ambersons (1942)” given at the Research Colloquium of prof. Aleida Assmann, English Department, Universität Konstanz, Germany; invite mediated by dr. Michael Frank.
  17. 16 May 2006: public lecture “Terrence Malick’s The Thin Red Line (1998) and Circulating within the Heideggerian Cinematic Image”, Philosophy Dept., Universität Wien, Austria; invite mediated by prof. Ludwig Nagl with prof. Herta Docekal-Nagl.
  18. 15 November 2006: public lecture “Shakespeare, Deleuze and Welles’s Chimes at Midnight, English Department, K.S.U., Manhattan, Kansas, USA. Invite mediated by prof. Don Hedrick as part of an ongoing Charles/K State faculty exchange program.
  19. 17 November 2006: public lecture “Chiasmatic Forms of Baroque Existence, Community and Spectrality: Walter Benjamin and Guy Debord” at the English Department, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA. Invite mediated by prof. Don Hedrick as part of an ongoing Charles/K State faculty exchange program.
  20. 18 January 2007: lecture “Cinema and Spiritual Life: Dreyer’s Early-Style La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc (The Passion of Joan of Arc, 1928)” at The Evergeen State College, Olympia, Washington, USA. Invite mediated by prof. Setsuko Tsutsumi.
  21. 19 January 2010: lecture “Lines of Light; or, Buster Keaton, Silence & the Unconscious” given at the Research Colloquium of prof. Aleida Assmann, English Department, Universität Konstanz, Germany; invite mediated by prof. Assmann & dr. Michael Frank.
  22. 17 July 2010: lecture on “City of Cosmos; or, Community & Communication” for a conference “Understanding the Other/the Stranger/the Foreigner”, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany. Invited by Dr. Barbara Weber.
  23. 19 July 2010: lecture on “Orson Welles’s The Trial (1963)”, F.A.M.U., Prague, Czech Republic. Invited by prof. Ian Buchanan.
  24. January 2012: lecture to be announced, University of Winchester, Winchester, England, United Kingdom. Invited by Alasdair Spark, director of Internationalisation.
  25. 10 May 2012: lecture on “The Autopoiesis of Modernity: A Philosophical Baroque”, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel. Invited by prof. Shirley Sharon-Zisser.
  26. 10 September 2012: class lecture “Stick to the Dream: New Figures of Temporality & of the Revolution of The Great Gatsby, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA. Invited by prof. Paul Levitt.
  27. 10 September 2012: public lecture “Stick to the Dream: New Figures of Temporality & of the Revolution of The Great Gatsby, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA. Invited by prof. Paul Levitt.
  28. 17 October 2012: lecture “On Terry Eagleton”, Charles University, Prague, Czechia.
  29. 31 October 2012: lecture “Forms of Immortality: Expression, the Fold, & the Spinozan Opportunity of Existence qua Deleuze & Zizek”, a Philosophy Research Seminar and the Cardiff branch of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom. Invited by prof. Christopher Norris.
  30. 22 November 2012: “On Spinoza & Contemporary Culture”, The Centre for Theoretical Studies at The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechia. Invited by prof. Ivan M. Havel.
  31. 25 November 2013: “A Few Notes on the Ornate Movements of D.W. Griffith’s Intolerance (September 1916)”, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czechia. Invited by Prof. Marcel Arbeit.
  32. 1 April 2016: “Orson Welles’s Chimes at Midnight (1966), Shakespeare, and our Contemporaneity”, University of Winchester, Winchester, United Kingdom. Given as part of a Five-Year University Visiting Research Fellowship. Introduced and facilitated by dr. Gary Farnell and dr. Nick Rowe.
  33. 16 February 2017. The Philosophical Baroque. The guest lecture showcased the author’s then forthcoming book, The Philosophical Baroque: On Autopoietic Modernities (Brill, 2017). Kingston University, London as part of a Lecture Series for the Kingston Shakespeare Seminar (KiSS) that takes place at the Rose Theatre, Kingston, London, England, UK. Invited by the Sir Peter Hall Professor of Shakespeare Studies, Richard Wilson.
  34. 18 February 2017. Gave an opening Plenary Lecture on “An Anachronistic Figure of Redemption: Modernity, Rhetoric and Self-Identity of Shakespeare’s King Richard IIat a conference on “Shakespeare and Anachronism”, Kingston University, London, United Kingdom. Invited by the Sir Peter Hall Professor of Shakespeare Studies, Richard Wilson. The other invited speaker was prof. Tiffany Stern, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, UK (formerly Professor of Early Modern Drama, University College,  Oxford). Organized by dr. Ildiko Solti.
  35. 13 April 2018. Gave a paper as an Invited Speaker on “Languages and forms of capital in Balzac and James” for a conference on “Balzac et L’Angleterre” / “Balzac and England” at the Maison Française d’Oxford, 12–14 April 2018. Invited by dr. Tim Farrant (Fellow and Reader in French) Pembroke College, University of Oxford. 
  36. 13 ii 2019. Gave a guest lecture “On Community and the Creative Life” at the University of Winchester, Winchester, UK as part of a Faculty of Arts Research Seminar Series and a Five–Year University Visiting Research Fellowship. Introduced by dr. Neil Ewen and facilitated by prof. Inga Bryden.
  37. 31 iii 2021. Gave a guest lecture online, “Forms of Cinematic Capital, Circulation, Movement, and Thought”, at the University of Winchester, Winchester, UK as part of a Faculty of Arts Research Seminar Series and an Eight–Year University Visiting Research Fellowship. Introduced and facilitated by prof. Inga Bryden. Attendees included multiple from the University of Winchester, as well as Stanley Corngold (Princeton University), Henry Hills (experimental filmmaker, New York City/Vienna), Fredric R. Jameson (Duke University), and Paul Saint-Amour (University of Pennsylvania), inter alia.
  38. 9 iii 2022. Gave a guest lecture online, “Melancholic Subjectivity, Modes of Production, and the Utopian Rhetoric of Shakespeare’s Richard II (c. 1595)”, at the University of Winchester, Winchester, UK as part of a Faculty of Arts Research Seminar series and an Eight–Year University Visiting Research Fellowship. Attendees included, inter alia, multiple from the University of Winchester, Damian Bracken (University College, Cork), Antonio Cerella (Nottingham Trent University), and Christopher Norris (Cardiff University). Introduced and facilitated by prof. Inga Bryden.
  39. 29 iii 2023. Gave a guest lecture online, “On Class, Context, and a Redemptive Commons with the Social Energies of Shakespeare’s Richard II (c. 1596/1623)”, at the University of Winchester, Winchester, UK as part of a Faculty of Arts Research Seminar series and an Eight–Year University Visiting Research Fellowship. Introduced and facilitated by Dr. Daniel Varndell.
  40. 1 xii 2023. Gave a guest lecture, “On Cultural Capital; or, on the Spheric and Moving Cosmic Form of Citizen Kane (1941) at Charles University, Prague, Czechia as the inaugural opening event for a student-run and organized conference from Schwa on Interdisciplinary American Studies, 1–3 December.