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Visiting Fellowship Lecture, “Forms of Cinematic Capital: Circulation, Movement, and Thought’’, 31 March 2021, 430–530 pm for a Research Seminar Series, Faculty of Arts, The University of Winchester, UK

14 Jan Posted by in Site Pages | Comments
Visiting Fellowship Lecture, “Forms of Cinematic Capital: Circulation, Movement, and Thought’’, 31 March 2021, 430–530 pm for a Research Seminar Series, Faculty of Arts, The University of Winchester, UK

31 iii 2021. Gave a guest lecture “Forms of Cinematic Capital: Circulation, Movement, and Thought” at the University of Winchester, Winchester, UK as part of a Faculty of Arts Research Seminar Series and an Eight–Year University Visiting Research Fellowship. Introduced and facilitated by prof. Inga Bryden. Attendees included, inter alia, multiple from the University of Winchester as well as Stanley Corngold (Princeton University), Henry Hills (experimental filmmaker from New York City/Vienna), Fredric R. Jameson (Duke University), and Paul Saint-Amour (University of Pennsylvania).

This talk will discuss a work-in-progress which considers twentieth-century cinema as a form of cultural memory and thinking machine, and in terms of aesthetics, cultural capital and politics. Combining these may promote an ecology of questioning and thinking about new, post-capitalist forms of beauty, equality and freedom for the twenty-first century.

The aim is to awaken for the active spectator new ways of being, dreaming, interpreting, and thinking within the space of the cinematic frame and institution.  The project draws on gestures, ideas, images and scenes in films from a range of directors, including, for example, Chantal Akerman, Michelangelo Antonioni, Maya Deren, C.T. Dreyer, Sergei Eisenstein, R.W. Fassbinder, D.W. Griffith, Buster Keaton, Fritz Lang, F.W. Murnau, Alain Resnais, Hito Steyerl, Terrence Malick, Andrei Tarkovsky and Orson Welles.